
York Pennsylvania Photographer >> playful & peaceful living...

REDISCOVER YOUR HAPPY PLACE.  Do you need inspiration to be a more peaceful mama?… a more present mama?…… a more playful mom? then you need to check out this website:  Abundant Mama   This site is full of great content that I even read and I'm only a "puppy mama"!  :)   Shawn recently contacted me about photographing for the cover of a book she is working on, check out a few images from our session on this fine day…… then head over to her site for tons of inspiration.  

"Today, I want to feel the release of fully letting go of those things I cannot change.  May today feel lighter and more joyful as a result."  ~ Shawn Fink 

"Today, I want to feel the release of fully letting go of those things I cannot change.  May today feel lighter and more joyful as a result."  ~ Shawn Fink 

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." ~Thich Nhat Hanh 

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." ~Thich Nhat Hanh 



This winter in Pennsylvania has been the coldest since I moved here… and we all know how grey it can be around here!  Last Saturday it warmed up to about 58 degrees.  Now, I grew up in Georgia, so 58 meant you are still decked out in NorthFace gear and run to your car as fast as you can!  But around these parts… you put on shorts!  Wash your cars!  Take your motorcycles out for the first ride of the season!  So, my pal Steph and I went exploring in desperate need of Vitamin D and inspiration.. this is a glimpse into our afternoon…. 

…. and what a gorgeous subject she is!…….